Trust Nominating Committee makes correction to TLE trustee criteria for election
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By James Wastasecoot
At the Peguis Surrender Claim Annual General Meeting on Friday May 20, 2024, members of the Trust Nominating Committee accepted a recommendation that the criteria for trustee applications be changed. The TNC issued a third call-out for trustees last month based on criteria that stated applicants “must not have a criminal record involving financial matters nor any civil record involving related matters.”
At the meeting, following an update by the Committee in their efforts to organize the long-awaited trust election, Hal Sutherland, Community Fund Trustee of the Peguis Surrender Claim Trust, took to the microphone and informed the meeting that the criteria is wrong, and should be corrected to read trustee applicants “must not have a criminal record” period. He said that exact wording was approved in a community ratified in 2008 and should be adhered to.
The TNC committee members accepted the correction and announced they will repost the notice for 30 days beginning Monday May 13, 2024. The new deadline for trustee applications has been set for June 28, 2024.
The TNC members are: Wayne Bird (chair), Heather Sinclair (vice chair), Clarence Daniels, Courtney Hudson, Jules McPherson, Rose Mayo, and Victor Sutherland.
Both the Treaty Land Entitlement Trust and the Surrender Claim Trust have vacancies due to retirements or deaths and no longer can sustain a quorum required for decisions including disbursements for community projects such as housing, business development, youth activities and elder grants. The Surrender Claim Trust has not been able to disburse at least $12 million in the 3 years in which the trustee elections process has been under discussion and repeated call-outs for applicants.
The following trustee positions are vacant:
Treaty Land Entitlement Financial Trustees
2 Vacancies:
1Appointed Accountant Position and 1 Off Reserve Elected Position
3 Alternates Members
Treaty Land Entitlement Community Fund Trustees 3 Vacancies:
2 on-reserve 1 off-reserve (All Elected Positions)
2 Alternative Members
Band members want action on drugs and drug dealers: drug initiatives and plans to stem drugs revealed by council
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By James Wastasecoot
Peguis, Sept. 12, 2024 Following a protest march on September 10 by residents demanding action on drugs and drug-dealers in Peguis, the council and residents met at the outdoor hall to talk about solutions. “It’s a heavy topic,” said Chief Stan Bird. “But our anger should be directed in a good way.” Over four hundred braved a chilling east wind that blew through the rafters, many of them elders wrapped in blankets and winter gear.
Chief Executive Officer Pam Favel read off a list of initiatives and accomplishments since the last meeting on drugs on June 12, 2024 where bitter acrimony and finger pointing broke out, with band members repeatedly pressing for more aggressive action against drugs and drug-dealers. A handout was distributed listing recent initiatives, including a meeting with Norway House council to gain insights into a community surveillance system. Public places such as the Mall and the churches – where drug dealers meet to organize – were named as possible best locations. A community safety plan is being developed and funding is available upon approval, said Chief Operating Officer, Cindy Spence. . Peguis has experimented with a drug bylaw which proved unproductive. This again is on the list and will be part of the bylaw review. Crime Stoppers and Neighbourhood Watch are being examined. The council has signed a Band Council Resolution to ban non-band members who are drug dealers. Check points at entry points to Peguis which were enforced during COVID, but which are expensive and fraught with legalities, were not on the list, but it suggested by some residents. The complete list of new initiatives are now posted on the Peguis website at Terra Indigena news will publish the list in its next issue on Sept. 29th.
Home invasions fuelled by Drugs spurs citizens to march in protest in Peguis
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By James Wastasecoot
Peguis Sept. 9, 2024 - Following two home invasions and violent beatings administered to residents by persons identified as drug dealers last weekend, concerned citizens marched on the Peguis council chambers to demand action. RCMP in Fisher Branch have not commented on the incidents, or confirmed that anyone has a laid a complaint to date. The protest march of twelve band members started at the Open Air Hall and ended at the Peguis Mall council chambers. The protesters demanded that the council act to protect the safety of band members including children whose lives are being put at risk by drugs and violence. “Where are our leaders? Stand behind us, we need to do something now,” said Trish Spence into a megaphone that amplified her voice as she led the march from the Open Air hall to the Peguis Mall. One placard read: “Activate the Peguis Drug Bylaw! BCR the drug dealers off.” At the entrance to the council chambers, members of the council stood watching. As the group approached, the council opened their doors and invited the marchers in.
Melvin Spence led off the meeting demanding action from the council. He said that there is a serious drug problem in Peguis which the council must address. “If you can’t handle it, you should resign!” he told the council members as Chief Bird invited everyone to sit and discuss the issue.
Read more: Home invasions fuelled by Drugs spurs citizens to march in protest in Peguis
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